Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oshogbo temple Oson state

My wife and I decided to travel to see the Oshogbo temple in Soon state so we left on the Ibadan expressway early sat morning travelling on a very busy road in bad condition it takes about three hours to get to the temple so we decided to stay overnight in Ibadan Africa’s largest flat city

We found a local hotel that was reasonably priced and had air conditioning very important in west Africa that evening there was a party on at the hotel so we ended up around the swimming pool with our driver having a couple of beers and enjoying the evening the pool area had a few plastic palm trees and many pool noodles in the pool. After an early start the next morning we were on our way to the temple

The temple was built by a Brazilian woman an artist who created a fertility temple that was actively used by woman every Friday. it was situated in the local forest and I was very keen to visit the area

After about another hours drive we arrived at the forest and on the way to the entrance I noticed low mud walls with faces and figures carved into them there was the odd figure also looking at us from the trees  We paid the nominal entry fee at a small hut to the side of the entrance which was a huge vagina which you could walk through we decided to take the other route into the forest and started our exploring The ground had a funny look to it shining and sparkling with minerals which I think was feldspar Everywhere you looked there were giants statues of figures and many smaller ones in the walls even down by the river there were specific statues alongside the banks

We came to the actual temple which was still being used and the local priest asked us if we wanted to be blessed so we agreed and went through the ritual in the temple took about half an hour all in all. Afterwards we were interviewed by a local press crew that showed up photos were taken and lots of fun was had by everyone


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