
Form is the physical shape of the object it can be expressed as being either one dimensional two or three dimensional I have included an example of a basic sphere to illustrate my point.

One dimension is flat two dimensions captures the form in a graphic way and three dimensional is the full form in three dimensions .what creates form is the light bouncing off the object and the physical structure of the object itself for example the same sphere if it was a glass marble with the same lighting will give you a smooth less Detailed form maybe with very smooth highlights.

If the sphere was a golf ball the light would catch in all of the indents on the ball and give you a different form even though the light source is constant. If the sphere is a squash ball the lighting and the form will be different again perhaps very few highlights and a much duller appearance.

So one can have three different balls with the same lighting and get three different forms  

The conclusion is that the structure dictates the form for this lesson I want you to start with a one two and three dimensional sphere try and draw all three. The purpose of the lesson is to train you to see form and capture it in all three dimensions. Pay careful attention to the lighting and shadows as well as the highlights in the three dimensional form as these elements create the basic form.

When you have finished with the spheres take other objects and repeat the process also use different light sources first try with natural lighting then artificial maybe one and then two lights shining on the object from different angles.

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